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Quarterly Archive in Scotland

Quarterly archiving is mandatory, and takes place at the beginning of each quarter, unless you are given the option to extend the quarter (see Archive Overview).

You should carry out a Quarterly Archive on or after the third day of a quarter month, 3rd January, 3rd April, 3rd July, or 3rd October. You are prevented from carrying out a Quarterly Archive too early.

Before archiving:

To archive:

  1. Select Archive - Quarterly Archive.

  2. Select Process.

  3. Select a destination folder and ensure your printer is on-line.
  4. The archive process continues automatically from this point and a message is shown when completed successfully.

  5. The Quarterly Certificates and Capitation Reports is now printed.

The Quarterly Archive Report is of all the quarter's outgoing and incoming Registration transactions sent and received up until the second day of the quarter. It must be signed by a nominated GP or Practice staff member indicating that the transmission of all transactions listed on the certificate has been undertaken with the full authority, knowledge and permission of that GP practice's staff. One signed copy should be held at the practice and the other sent to the HB.

  • Outgoing Acceptance Transactions includes those with an Acceptance Date either prior to or equal to the second day of that quarter.
  • Outgoing Amendment or Rejection Transactions includes those with a Transaction Date either prior to or equal to the second day of the quarter.
  • Incoming Amendments, Deductions, Medical Records Removal and Medical Records Sent transactions include those with a Transaction Date either prior to or equal to the second day of the quarter.

As a result of carrying out the Quarterly Archive:

  • All Completed Transactions for the quarter are removed
  • A Quarterly Archive Certificate is printed, a copy of which should be signed and sent to the HA/HB.

After the archive:

  • Each quarter's Deduction transactions are stored on the computer's hard disk in the On-Line Archive, and they can be retrieved or purged from Archive, or printed from Reports.