Editing an Intervention

To edit an intervention from the Patient Care screen:

  1. Select the patient required in the usual way.
  2. Select Interventions and then highlight the intervention required from the left-hand pane.
  3. Select and expand Intervention:

  1. The Intervention screen expands ready for updating:

  2. Update any details required.

    Note - You cannot update Detail of care, Main Aim of Care or Secondary Aim of Care from here.
  1. Select Update to save your changes.
Note - You must be set up as a Community service manager within Vision360 to edit interventions within Community.
Important - After you edit an intervention it must be reassigned to a team member from Caseload Management, see Assigning Interventions for details.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.