Individual Caseload
The Individual Caseload screen displays all the interventions that have been assigned to you for the date selected:
From the Individual Caseload screen, you can:
- Download your Individual Caseload for offline use, see Downloading your Individual Caseload for details.
- Print your Individual Caseload, see Printing your Individual Caseload for details.
- Rearrange your assigned interventions into the order you wish to complete them in, see Rearranging your Individual Caseload for details.
- Directly record contact on an intervention, see Recording Contact on an Intervention for details.
- Open the Patient Care screen, see Opening Patient Care Screen for details.
- Use the date navigation feature to view your past and future interventions, see Navigating to Past and Future Dates for details.
- View other team members Caseloads, see Viewing Other Staff's Caseloads for details.
Note - You should print your caseload at the start of each shift before you see any patients.
Note – To print this topic select Print in the top right corner and follow the on-screen prompts.