Patient Demographics
The Patient Demographics section of a referral displays the following:
Title (mandatory) - Select from the available list.
Date of birth - Set from the patient record.
Area - Select from the available list.
Forename - Set from the patient record.
NHS Number/CHI Number - Set from the patient record.
Ethnicity (mandatory) - Select as appropriate.
Surname - Set from the patient record.
Gender (mandatory) - Select as appropriate.
Religion - Enter as appropriate.
Known as - Enter as appropriate.
Telephone - Select type and enter a number. If one already exists and you are adding additional numbers, select the Plus .
Primary Address - Update if required.
Temporary Address - If the patient is staying at a temporary address while they are receiving care from the Community Team, a temporary address must be recorded, see Adding a Temporary Address for details if required.
Key safe / Entry code - Enter if required, select Show code to display: