Welcome to the Cegedim Primary Care Solutions Help Centre
The Cegedim Primary Care Solutions Help Centre provides an easy to access portal to all the Cegedim Healthcare Solutions Primary Care Help Centres and additional user assistance materials that we provide.
Simply, select the option required from the front screen to open the relevant help centre, or you can also use the following links:
Getting Started - For a list of topics designed to help you get started with Cegedim Primary Care Solutions.
What's New? - For a list of updates relating to logging into Cegedim Primary Care Solutions.
Help Topics - A list of topics in this help centre.
Vision 3 - A link to the Latest Vision 3 Release page, enabling you to select the module you are interested in and ensuring you are looking at the latest released version.
Vision Anywhere - A link to the latest released Vision Anywhere Help Centre.
Appointments - A link to the latest released Appointments Help Centre.
Appointment Setup - A link to the latest released Appointment Setup Help Centre.
Appointments Reporting - A link to the latest released Appointments Reporting Help Centre.
Tasks - A link to the latest released Tasks Help Centre.
Patient Online Services - A link to the latest released Patient Online Services Help Centre.
Outcomes Manager - A link to the latest released Outcomes Manager Help Centre.
Community - A link to the latest released Community Help Centre.
Shared Care - A link to the latest released Shared Care Help Centre.
Formulary Management Tool - A link to the latest released Formulary Management Tool Help Centre.
Knowledge Base - A link to our powerful base of information enabling you to get the answers you need, fast.
Learning Zone - A link to our full range of eLearning content, from bite size videos to full product and role based learning paths.